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From Field to Fork – The Butcher’s Role

Now more than ever, the UK public is becoming more aware of, and dedicated to the ‘field to fork’ traceability ethos. That being said, unless they know the exact origins of any given product, they are considerably less likely to trust and therefore buy it. It’s one thing for producers and retailers to offer guarantees of ethical practices, high regard for animal welfare and so on, but it is something else entirely to be able to demonstrate it.

When it comes to those who work in the butchery market, guarantees from farms are often taken at face value. Particularly in the instance of farms that have developed a solid reputation over the years.

Passing Promises On

It’s a relatively simple formula when you think about it. As a butcher, each and every time you promise traceability and ethical production methods to your customers, you are effectively passing on the promises of the producer. Which in turn means that if there are any discrepancies or inaccuracies with the promises they provide, the same can be said for your own guarantees. Once again, it’s one thing to take the word of farms and producers at face value – it’s something else entirely to verify things for yourself.

There are two distinct benefits that come with taking a proactive approach to supply a verification as a butcher. Firstly, there’s the obvious benefit of being able to determine exactly how the animals are reared, to what extent their welfare is cared for and whether the ethics of the producer match your own. On top of this, personally visiting and verifying your own suppliers represents a demonstration of commitment and professionalism on your part. Which, suffice to say, is exactly the kind of thing that resonates well with today’s consumer.

It’s one thing to pass on the promises of your own suppliers – it’s something else entirely to give your customers your own verified validation of ethical rearing and production methods.

A Growing Area of Focus

Far from just a passing fad, this commitment to ethical operations is something that is only going to intensify over the coming years. A variety of studies have highlighted the way in which millennials tend to value the ‘field to fork’ culture on a level that goes above and beyond that of all the generations.

Which means that even if your own business isn’t seeing a great deal of change now, it’s only a matter of time before it does.

Contrary to popular belief, getting on board with ‘field to fork’ doesn’t have to be difficult, time-consuming or expensive. What’s more, you can rest assured that any effort you do invest in the idea is guaranteed to pay dividends for your business.