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Wood doesn’t smash

Here at Row & Sons we are advocates of chefs presenting food in their own style. We eat with our eyes, so presenting a feast in a playful way creates intrigue and a sense of fun. Some do take this to the extreme.

Food trends over the last few years have seen the rise of crazy serving platters, with this has come a rebellion from customers. We Want Plates, created by Ross McGinnes “crusades against serving food on bits of wood and roof slates, chips in mugs and drinks in jam jars”. His twitter and facebook accounts @wewantplates has over 160,000 followers and showcases the most random and bizarre serving platters from around the world.

From orthodontic moulds, to cotton candy presented on a porcelain horses head, there are a few unusual food presentation styles. We Want Plates protests against these methods of food serving and demand the return of the humble plate.

Although it can’t be denied, that serving a miniature beef wellington on barbed wire is somewhat inexplicable and dangerous, the brains behind these designs have to be granted a bit of credit for ingenuity and creative thinking.

Presenting food in a fun way should be secondary to the way the food tastes, but presentation shouldn’t be forgotten. After all, if food was slapped on the sought-after plate in a hap hazardous manner, it would probably be sent back. The humble plate will never disappear from existence, but maybe these chefs are thinking about some of the drawbacks of china. Who hasn’t sat in a restaurant and heard the smash of plates, followed by the applause of customers all the while the red-faced waiter or waitress scrambles to clean up ground zero.

Instead of banishing “bits of wood” altogether, chefs could work with Row & Sons to provide customers with beautiful, yet practical serving boards.

Working with chefs and restaurant owners, we can customise our products to encompass juice grooves (no more chip dams), rebates and logo engraving. For chefs who have very specific ideas on how they want to present, designing a product from scratch might be the solution. Working with our team, Row & Sons can manufacture different shapes, using either wood, or the very hygienic Roweca (dishwasher and knife friendly).

So instead of searching the hardware store to find a quirky serving board, (cutting discs or tool boxes comes to mind) have a chat with the Row & Sons team to create a well-designed, hygienic serving platter.

For further information on bespoke boards, please complete our enquiry form.